Tuesday, February 14, 2012

There has to be a beginning.

When you undertake something completely new to you it is always hard to start. Starting a blog when you have no real idea why you are doing it is a difficult thing to initiate. And then when you start typing your first words, you realise that all you are talking about is typing your first words.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Stuart and I live in a beautiful town in Queensland, Australia. I have 3 delightful children who mean everything to me. I love my job as a teacher and I love the close, supportive friends I have around me.

Now isn't that just like a blog to make everything rosy. I don't need to go into the nitty gritty for you to know that my town is not perfect (I shake my head in shame at some of the strange people who live here), my children are not perfect (because I love them so much they are probably also my biggest headache) and that I am not perfect.

And that last point is the true reason I am starting this blog. My life fell apart last year when my wife of 9 years decided that she needed to leave me. I have come to grips with that over time and I know that most of the blame for that has to reside on her shoulders as I was still fighting to save us, and she was giving up. But the blame doesn't entirely rest on her shoulders, of course it doesn't. How did our marriage go down such a dark path that we felt like strangers in our home?What part did I play in that? I didn't choose the separation, but I wear most of the blame for destroying a perfectly good marriage. And just in case you are wondering, it wasn't an abusive marriage, or an angry marriage. In fact we were very polite and nice to each other all the time. But we drifted.

And having realised that I caused such a tear in my life and in the lives of my children, I have had to examine who I am. And that is not a simple question and answer session, that is a journey.

So if you are willing I would like you to join me on this journey so that I can float my ideas out into the universe. I will go back and read what I have written and post a reply or a new comment later to clarify something. But I am going to try not to edit what I say as I want my first thoughts to be the ones I examine. And I would love your feedback. I want to hear your thoughts on what I am feeling and thinking. I want to hear if you have similar thoughts. As I type this I don't have an audience, but maybe over time I will.

Take care people and keep your eyes open.
Love Stuart

1 comment:

  1. Had I been a regular on my own blog, I would have noticed that I had another follower and clicked the link to read all this earlier. This post makes me sad for you all but I am glad there have been some beautiful changes in your life. If you see this message, I hope you keep blogging. You have much to share. Bless you and your sweet family.
